How to Be Healthy
When it comes to health and nutrition, there are many different opinions. Even
qualified experts disagree about what’s best for you sports.intheheadline, which can make it hard to
know what is right for your body.
The key is to focus on making small, sustainable changes that involve nutritious
dietary choices, physical movement, and mindfulness. This can help you to avoid
disordered eating, negative body image, and stress on your mental health.
Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low-fat
dairy products, and whole grains. You also want to choose foods that are low in
saturated fat and added sugars.
Limit sodium intake, as well as processed and packaged foods. You can do this by
reading the labels of your food and choosing low-sodium varieties.
Eliminate sugary drinks, including sodas and fruit juices, as they add a lot of calories
to your diet. Replace them with water, unsweetened juice or milk.
Get more physical activity, but don’t be afraid to mix up your workout routines. This
will keep you motivated and prevent you from getting bored with your exercise
Set realistic goals and break them down into smaller steps that are easily
achievable. For example, if you’re trying to cut back on sodas, try replacing them
with water or 100% fruit juice and cutting them out completely a few days at a time.
Identify unhealthy habits that are holding you back, like drinking sodas or eating too
much junk food, and start to change them. Once you’ve gotten the hang of that, set
other goals.
Reduce your salt intake, as it’s high in sodium and can cause problems with blood
pressure and kidney disease. Read labels and choose lower-sodium options for
everything from salty snacks to canned vegetables and other foods.
Switch to healthier fats, such as olive oil or canola oil instead of saturated or trans-
fat-laden vegetable oils and margarine. Refined white flour and added sugars are
other major culprits in our over-indulgences, so be sure to limit them too.
Consider alternatives to these unhealthy foods, such as leaner cuts of meat or
poultry without skin, grilled salmon and other fish, low-fat or fat-free milk, and
nonfat yogurt and cheese. Adding more whole grains and legumes (beans, peas, or
lentils) to your meals can help you reduce your sodium intake too.
Be more active throughout your day, not just at the gym or when you’re in the pool.
This can be as simple as parking further away from building entrances or walking up
the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
Turn your sitting time into fit time by incorporating NEAT movements, such as
pacing, marching in place, jumping jacks or push-ups while you watch TV or through
commercials. These movements use extra energy and have the added benefit of
increasing your metabolism, lowering your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and
improving your mood.
Creating healthy habits can be a challenge, but if you take it slowly and do it one
step at a time, you’ll see results in no time. If you have trouble starting an exercise
program, talk to a fitness professional or health coach about ways to get started.
They can help you find a program that’s right for you and give you the support you
need to make positive changes.